I came across this prayer at
Happy Catholic (of course) and I think it is worth captruing and sharing:
Heavenly Father,
in my present need,
help me to believe that you are aware of my anxiety
and will do what is best for me.
Give me the strength to trust you
and put the present and future in your hands.
Grant this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
There is also a quote, not really a prayer, that I have on my cubby wall, from St. Augustine:
Trust the past entirely to the mercy of God,
The present to His tender love,
And the future to His providence and care over you.
These are reminders that we are not in this alone, that God is with us at all times. And how about a closing quote from Paul Claudel:
Jesus did not come to do away with suffering or to remove it. He came to fill it with His presence.