Friday, December 21, 2007

Be a Hand-Bell Hero!

How's your co-ordination? Try your hand at hand-bell ringing here

I hope you can do better than I did.

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat...

Here are the O Antiphons for the rest of Advent:

December 21st:
O Rising Sun, you are the splendor of eternal light and the sun of justice. O come and enlighten those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.

December 22nd:
O King whom all the peoples desire, you are the cornerstone which makes all one. O come and save man whom you made from clay.

December 23rd:
O Emmanuel, you are our king and judge, the One whom the peoples await and their Savior. O come and save us, Lord, our God.

For more information on the O Antiphons, go here.